2 definitions by ஜகென் ஹ்ஃகார்


The sociopolitical idea or ideology of fostering unity among Tamils in traditional homelands and the diaspora in order to form a progressive, co-operative global community.
“Their Tamilitude and pan-Tamilism provided space and scope for the community back home to recover, unify and assert their political aspirations.”
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/ˈt̪ɐmɨɻɪt(j)u d/



1. The quality, state or fact of being of Tamil heritage.

2. The historical, cultural, and social heritage considered common to Tamil people collectively.

3. The self-affirmation of Tamil people; the affirmation or consciousness of the value of Tamil culture, heritage, identity, society and civilisation.

Early C21, coined by philosopher Ramanan Sri, in the pattern of Negritude and Coolitude, from Tamil + -tude.
1. “Krishani really seems to value her Tamilitude.”

2. “Their Tamilitude and pan-Tamilism provided space and scope for the community back home to recover, unify and assert their political aspirations.”

3. Ram agreed saying: “Yes, yes! We need an all-out, feel-good, positive pride – a Tamilitude!”
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