1 definition by ɨռզʊɨʀɨռɢ ʍɨռɖ

Depends on who you ask. Generally speaking it is a pejorative and an umbrella term for a constellation of ideas relating to identity and social justice. More broadly it has to do with progressive ideas or ideology. It is similar to SJW, Politically Correct, or identity politics.

In the context of media it is:

1) The obsession with, and glorification of, identity, diversity, inclusion,

and equity to the point of absurdity.

2) Pandering to minorities.

3) Excessive veneration of LGBTQ people and minorities and denigration of white cis heterosexual males.

Woke people (The Wokerati) tend to be authoritarian, sanctimonious, hyper-moralizing, virtue-signaling, tribalistic, cultish and generally off-putting/repulsive to all normal human beings.

If you look and sound like you spend all your time in the racial/gender studies department of academia you are most likely woke.
"I used to respect her, but now she's just another one of those 'woke' activists who can't stop virtue signaling on social media."
by ɨռզʊɨʀɨռɢ ʍɨռɖ February 18, 2023
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