4 definitions by éva

-Canada is awesome
-Perfect balance of hot and cold
-Tim Hortons
-Good Healthcare systems
-Best maple syrup there is
-Invented hockey, the telephone and lightbulb
-Bear paws
-Queue de Castor (Beaver tales, they are amazing)
-The colors are beautiful
-One of the most diverse and accepting countries in the world
-2nd largest land mass in the world
-Fought in world war l and ll, fought in the American revolutionary war proving that were not sissies that all the stereotypes say we are
-We don't carry around guns, were not psycho
-Choose to solve problems with conversation and debate instead of immediate war.

Overall, Canada is arguably the best country in the world. Even with all the stereotypes
Friend- What's a reason to be proud of Canada?
Me- There's more than one. But, Canada doesn't need a reason to be awesome. It just is.

Reasons to be proud of Canada- A sentence you use to ask a Canadian why Canada is so amazing.
by éva October 26, 2020
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Something that you type on your keyboard when your SO BORED you have nothing else to do so you write the alphabet. Congrats, you now know what happens when you write the alphabet. ABSOLUTELY nothing.
Professor: "Class lets sing the alphabet!"

Group of 20 year olds in college: "Uhhhh.. ok? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! Now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me??"
The proffesor clapped. "Alright that's the end of class see you next term!"
The class glanced towards eachother wondering if their Algebra professor was crazy
by éva September 22, 2020
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what happens when you push someone in pool, or throw something or jump really high off a trampoline. Or just like the world.
by éva September 24, 2020
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them: are you reading amongussus??
me: yes.
by éva November 17, 2021
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