1 definition by \''; DROP TABLE users; --

Howard is a very cool guy at times and is extremely good at whatever he does, but he can also be real asshat at times and can often be bipolar. While he may act bipolar, he is still a very standup guy who attracts the attention of everyone around him. He often drives very nice cars and is surrounded by a group of very cool individuals. However, he is often extremely self-centered and when something gets on his nerves, he flips a shit and all hell may break loose. He is often very unpredictable. But when he is not being self-centered and seeing the world as revolving around him, he is the most caring and awesome individual you could possibly be around.
Person 1: Howard is a real stand up guy! I just saw him helping out a bunch of kids!
Person 2: Yeah he can be extremely caring and awesome a good amount of the time.
Person 1: What about the other time?
Person 2: Well if he sees something as a criticism or an insult towards him, then he will unleash everything from the depths of hell and wreak havoc on your ass.
by \''; DROP TABLE users; -- December 27, 2014
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