1 definition by [DATA REJECTED]

It was the BEST PLAY EVER! Kazoo, is the story of Wren, a 13 year old girl. She’s an average girl, living a pretty normal life. She has a mom and loves to play her kazoo. She hangs out with her two best friends, Kaylee and Lily, in a treehouse that is their sanctuary. But then everything goes wrong – her mom dies, she has to move in with her aunt, her friends don’t understand what she’s going through and she loses her beloved kazoo. But with the help of a mysterious and funny stranger, Wren embarks on a journey to find her kazoo.

Kazoo is written in a storyteller style – there are eight actors who tell the story to the audience. All eight also become a character in the story.

Magic is woven throughout the story, from ghosts to talking rabbits to dangerous pythons. It’s a really fast-paced, fun and funny story with a lot of heart.

I was so glad that i was passing through Iowa when this show was being shown. I personally have a rough time with Grief as my parents got divorced when i was young and now my father is in jail for 3 years and he won't let me see him. I am 19, this showing that this show touches everybody. My 9 year old younger sister was crying by the end of the show and was saying that this was exactly what the world needs to see. Thank You Kazoo!
I just saw "Kazoo", it was an amazing show!
by [DATA REJECTED] October 22, 2018
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