5 definitions by @shizukuhasnomemory on TikTok

the worst anime fandom to ever exist they literally spoiled it 35 times for me lmao
A: do you like aot?
B: it's shingeki no kyojin not aot dumbass
A: that's why nobody likes aot fandom peepeepoopoo
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TikTok creator, she's the sweetest person in this world, i'm not overreacting, she's so sweet and the best mutual to ever exist.

She posts HxH content, did I already mention that she's so sweet?

She also forgot her password for her other account but that doesn't change the fact that she is a wonderful mutual‼️
A: Hey do you know leoriosluvbot?
B: Oh yeah she used to be iatemycatuwu, right?
A: Yeah but she forgot her password. 🤣🤣🤣
B: Don't bully her. 😡
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a hunter x hunter character that is horrible but for some reason 14 year old girls find attractive. he has a piss kink and is musty. he's also the reason why coronavirus started and basically every bad thing that has happened in the world.
A: daddy chrollo
b: die
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a new sexuality that someone with a piss kink invented because they felt like it, it means you would only date cis people of the opposite gender. if you identify as this you're a social reject lmao.
person 1: i'm super straight
person 2: tf is that
person 1: i wouldn't date a transgender
person 2: social reject lol
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a weird butterfly from hxh who looks like kurapika but colorful. it's also a slur against femenine gay men which kinda explains his name lol. mf is in love with his own sibling isn't that weird?
A: describe pouf in two words
B: gay
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