11 definitions by @price5233

Small silent brushoffs we are all guilty of doing at one time or another.
I didn't want to make a dish for the potluck Karen is hosting, so I just didn't respond to her email invitation. I am microghosting Karen since I am not going to respond to her email, but I'm not going to cut her out of my life completely.
by @price5233 January 22, 2020
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The friend who keeps you out of trouble when you hang out together.
Mike: Tonight I finna rob the bank on the corner. You in?
Chris: Nah man. Don't do that. Tomorrow let's go and apply for jobs.
Mike: You right Chris, you my good influence friend.
by @price5233 May 17, 2020
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Just playin'
You wanna come over tonight and have some fun lol J/P
by @price5233 September 28, 2020
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The baby that was conceived during your 2 week self-quarantine because you and your bae had nothing else better to do than have sex.
In 9 months our coronavirus baby will be born because the store was also out of condoms.
by @price5233 March 15, 2020
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An introverted person who likes to hang out with people virtually and online rather than in person.
Nancy likes to spend a lot of time on social media, and not really hang out with people in real life very often. I'd consider a social introvert.
by @price5233 May 7, 2020
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Hard candies that your grandma bought at Walgreen's in 1998 that are sitting in the bottom of her purse.
Grandma: Oh Matthew, you're getting cranky. Let grandma give you some purse candy to boost your blood sugar.
by @price5233 June 20, 2020
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Kool-aid that has been spiked with alcohol.
Child: Mommy, can I have a sip of your drink?
Mommy: No honey, this is mommy's adult kool-aid. I will get you some milk.
by @price5233 June 6, 2020
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