2 definitions by @Theofficialmicdee

A woman's glutes or ass.

*ORIGIN* The Word Glutavion is composed of the word Glutes (muscles located at the higher reer of the booty) and Avion originally meaning air born or anything flying, now a slang term attached to any word to enhance the initial word giving the word infront of avion a higher meaning hence Glutavion , a booty out of this world!
Example 1
Guy 1- Yo broo you see shawty over there?!
Guy2- Hell yea bro , I finna hit her glutavion

Example 2
Guy 1 - Yo she gave you head yet?
Guy2- Na but i hit her glutavion
by @Theofficialmicdee February 17, 2018
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an extension to any word to fuel its original meaning. Giving the original world a Level up!
"Hit shawty glutes".... "Hit her glutavion"
"shes giving me face".... "Shes giving me facion"
"im trying to beat the case".... im trying to beat the casion"
"yoo this ni**a mook"..... yoo this ni**a mookavion"
"yooo its lit"...... yoo its litavion"
"rub her clit.. rub her clitavion"

*Add any word infront of avion/tavion to make it a dope word*
by @Theofficialmicdee February 17, 2018
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