1 definition by @Higzwan

The definition of grum is a masterpiece. Its the step up from the slang word grim ( which means a women of many talents *wink*) this word should only be used in circumstances of complete whoredem. It works both way towards men and women...mostly women. It was discovered on a night out in the claddagh ring- hendon-london(Local Grum spot) where a local grim achieved grum status with her tom-foolery in the toilets. Enjoy and watch out for any local GRUMS
The way to use this word is easy, simply " eurghhh that chick is grum" or one that is guaranteed laughs- if the word grim is used often in your group of friends ( if you have no friends, use on twitter or facebook is optional) mate "she's grimm" you "she ain't grim she's grum"

Rather dive in the deep end or await for your moment of hilarity...once again optional...Enjoy
by @Higzwan April 26, 2012
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