2 definitions by ?.person.who.is.way.too.honest

Stupid child who everyone has at their elementary school. AKA that one kid who is purposefully dumb af on purpose and annoys anyone and everyone in sight. Also most of them are fatherless. Their natural habitat is their mom's basement; yes even after school, they stay in the basement their whole life. (Also when they grow up they become a chaotic Man-Child)
Santiago is dumb as hell. Santiago is cringe. Santiago is gay. Santiago is a no-life shut-in neet.
by ?.person.who.is.way.too.honest January 26, 2022
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Stupid child who everyone has at their elementary school. AKA that one kid who is purposefully dumb af on purpose and annoys anyone and everyone in sight. Also most of them are fatherless. Their natural habitat is their mom's basement; yes even after school, they stay in the basement their whole life.
Santiago is dumb as hell. Santiago is cringe. Santiago is gay. Santiago is a no-life shut-in neet.
by ?.person.who.is.way.too.honest January 26, 2022
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