4 definitions by ????/b/????

What some people call Furry threads that appear in /b/
"I'm sick of all this Furry Spam" Bob yelled. Why don't they just GTFO.
by ????/b/???? August 30, 2007
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A myth made up by furries to justify their trolling of /b/.
The fact remains that most /b/tards don't want them posting their Furry Spam
I'm sorry but Fur Friday is a myth. Get over it.
by ????/b/???? August 18, 2007
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What replaced Fur Friday at /b/
"It's F40ph Friday" Bob cried. Let's post some trainz!
by ????/b/???? August 30, 2007
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Someone who trolls /b/ posting Furry pics knowning well in advanced /b/tards want them there.
Furry Trolls are often in denial about the dimise of Fur Friday.
Furry trolls posts are often regarded as spam.

WTF is this? Just another Furry Troll.
by ????/b/???? November 14, 2007
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