1 definition by >Beautiful_is_Queen*B<

A person coming from Romania (a beautiful (but poor) country in Eastern Europe). Romanians are Orthodox. Are beautiful people (mostly the women). Love soccer (who doesn't???). Romanians are very smart people--education is a top priority. Beautiful music (unless you dont like it). Romanians eat bread with everything, and when eating, must NOT leave food on the plate (LOL). The language is a very nice language, pretty easy to learn, and very similar to Spanish (as it is a Latin-based language).

Romanians - - - We are awesome!!
Sample Romanian words/phrases: (w/ English transliteration)

Ce faci? - che fach - How are you

Bine - Beeneh - Good.

Buna ziua- boonuh zeewah- Good day/Hello

=) Curva - coorrvuh - B...h

(Tu) esti frumoasa - (too) yesht frroomwasuh - You are pretty/beautiful

**when you see a 'rr' that means the r must be rolled. =)
by >Beautiful_is_Queen*B< April 30, 2009
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