1 definition by <ZF> smolbean

Gan Eng Seng - noun

Defination 1.

Refers to a school with not nearly enough funding from the bourgeoisie government


smolbean : how was your class kitty?

kitty : Same old same old, the computers

dont work again, worse than the.

fucking chromebook.

smolbean : yea the cup noodles in the e-club is.

still not restocked as well. Guess the.

canoeists cannot eat there.

Definition 2.

a inescapable hellhole for all the students that has terrible teachers that with no experience, and a principle that is so bad that calling her a disgrace would be a understatement.


Smolbean : holy fkn shit bro this teacher is so bad wtf is she even doing?!? How does this make sense to you cher? wtf are you doing. Explain to the class ffs! and stop spouting nonsense! Heck I could do something my method and be twice as fast as you!!!

-- smolbean to himself in math class

Defination 3 :
a place that has unnecessarly strict rules, and is ruled with an iron fist that rivals even stalin himself.

Example :

N/A (needs no example)

special credits to my friends in school under the pysundom Kitty, Elsa, Sardine, Akisweatballs, Babymythic, Ariel, smol orange and many more ppl that make living in literal hell possible ♡
refer to abovementioned examples ^
For gan eng seng school
by <ZF> smolbean May 20, 2020
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