2 definitions by <Tyler>

When you see a big dirty smelly ol' nigger and he/she has so much grease in their hair it looks like you could take a spoon and scoop a spoonfull of grease. this grease is called Niggerpaste.
Could be used many ways:

1.Talking About somebody: "Damn, dat nigga's got some Niggerpaste in his/her weave!"

2.Disapointment:"Ah Fuckin' Niggerpaste!"
by <Tyler> December 11, 2008
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When you and your friend(s) are extremely bored and decide to go for a little drive. You flip on the song "pretty rave girl" and turn it all the way up with the windows down. you must dance to it a right way. you move both hands back and fourth like your slamming a kids head into a locker. And you MUST move to the beat! Everyone stares at you but its something to do. ;
(Two kids watching porn)
kid 1: Hey bro im bored, and this is a little gay.
kid 2: You wanna go Raveing?
kid 1: Fuckin' A!
by <Tyler> December 11, 2008
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