1 definition by <3theoffice

Commonly found in a certain business park in Scranton, PA (grown locally at one Schrute Farms), the beet is considered by many to be the mother of all vegetables. Not to be eaten raw by non-beet farmers. Fact- Bears eat beets.
Andy- (bites beet, spits out) You're supposed to cook these, aren't you?

Dwight- (laughs) Cornell. (eats beet)


Jim- Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Dwight- What is going on? What are you doing?

Jim (aside)- Last week, I saw these glasses on sale. $4. And it only cost $7 to create the rest of the ensemble, which adds up to... (uses calculator watch) $11.

Jim- (places bobblehead on desk)

Dwight (shouting) Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!

Jim- (stands up) Michael! (walks into office)

Dwight- Oh, thats funny. (stands up) Michael! (walks into office)

(theme song plays)
by <3theoffice July 26, 2010
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