2 definitions by /<ìÑg§pÀÐë

oxy is a pill that is growing in popularity by the day, most likely in your hometown, and very likely in your neighborhood.Comes in a variety of different colors, so you can coordinate wich ones you snort with the clothes your wearing so the stain you get on your shirt from taking the coating off doesnt stand out. -lol- just kidding folks! DONT DO IT!!!
Yo, dont be so fuckin stingey wit that oxy man, break me off like 20 milleys or somethin. ill fuckin pay you back tomorrow bitch, i swear.
by /<ìÑg§pÀÐë June 12, 2006
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Oxycontin-;A pill that comes from your local dealer round the way. Comes in pink 20's yellow 40's, n them off-green fat boy 80's. A pill u clean, bust down with a hose clamp from your car -wich can easily be converted into a cheese-grater like tool, only its not cheese your about to grate-,and people either snort, or melt it down and shoot it up. Highly addictive, known to be Highly euphoric, and HIGHLY expensive.
I was addicted to Oxycontin for a good 5 years before i got off of them bitches, had the money to do it, had vast access to snag it, and a tolerance to the stuff that you wouldnt believe. I coulda probably done enough OC in one day to put down a friggin Rhino. Thats how bad it gets. Once that tolerance builds up, your Screwed, cause it takes more and more to get off like you want to. Just dont friggin do it folks. Be smart. If yall already do them things, You know what the F**k im talkin bout.
by /<ìÑg§pÀÐë June 12, 2006
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