4 definitions by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv

Ellacyn has dirty blond hair,, is very short,, and is always in EVERYBODY'S business. An annoying little brat who goes through your things,,takes them,, and then blames it on the dog. Typically a goofy girl but at times gets to aggressive and tends to scream when unhappy//doesn't get her way.
"it was ellacyn!" "no!! it was the dog"
by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv November 20, 2017
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a great 16 or 17 year old basketball player that plays for north central and george hill shes #1 in basketball
go rikki harris
by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv July 29, 2017
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Zemonda is a really loyal friend who is miss leading at times, but can and will be your best friend if you have a dirty mind, are good at math, and are a player.
if you ever meet Zemonda, STAY AWAY!! Ladies... he WILL play you!!! :(
by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv July 29, 2017
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Shermar is typically a retarded teenager that does things that arent for his age....
by ,kvchfkjdsbvjcbg;kv July 29, 2017
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