2 definitions by *prrr*

The feeling when you type something idiotic into google but your internet goes down so you have an excuse to tell to your friends.
Person 1: type "blue waffle" into google
Person 2: I know I shouldnt but ok
*Person 2 types blue waffles into google*
*Internet is down*
Person 2: *sigh of relief* ok. Feeling fucking gladness it didnt work.
by *prrr* July 8, 2020
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An uninteresting, nonexistant internet meme. It revolves around no pooping in The Whole Month of July.
Person 1: Fuck, I'm gonna fail No Poop July, I feel it.
Person 2: Yea, you look like ya wanna shit real bad.
Person 1: *goes to bathroom and poops*
Person 2: Good Game.
by *prrr* July 8, 2020
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