2 definitions by )0( WinRus )0(

A genre of music that is normally sped up or higher pitched and usually 99.9% of the time has an anime background. Not many people listen to nor like it.
"OMG, SHE listens to Nightcore? What a wannabe nobody.
by )0( WinRus )0( May 30, 2019
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(SHMS) is a middle school of mostly popular people and 6th graders that are snobs. The 8th graders came up with a rule called 8th grade priority and most of the people there suck. This school is in IA

Another way to use that term is to call someone a snob or princess
Omg, you act like you go to South Hardin Middle School.
You must've came from SMHS
by )0( WinRus )0( May 30, 2019
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