1 definition by '-55£32

Kaiyah is the best person i've ever met. she is kind, sweet, funny and caring and i've never met anyone as good as her, she is really smart and has an amazing future ahead of her, you can trust her with anything even your life. she will make your life 100x better just by been there. she will always be there to help you no matter how tough the situation is or how hard it is to help you, she will never give up on her friends no matter what, she makes an amazing best friend and will never let you down
Hey, Kaiyah, you're probably never going to see this, but i still love you too bits, and i always will, i will never know if you still love me, but i really did love you more than anyone i've ever met and nothing will ever change that i promise. I'm so sorry for everything that has ever happened, or anything i've ever done to upset you in anyway, i regret every bad choice i made and i wish i can undo them all. if you ever gave me a second chance i would drop everything to get back with you. Ever since we broke up my life has been miserable, and the only thing that has ever made me happy was because of you, I miss you kai. I don't expect you to ever read this, or to ever get back with me, but i will never be able to stop thinking about you, and it's gonna be hell to see you move on, while i'm stuck without the one person that made my life 10x better and worth enjoying, i will never be able to love anyone as much as i love you. I can't begin to explain how devastated i am to lose you. you treated me much better than i ever deserved, and you are honestly the kindest, sweetest, most caring and loving person i have ever met,without you i would be lost. Just know i miss you so much, and i wish we can get back together, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, i will never forget you. I love you to bits, and i will love you forever
by '-55£32 February 18, 2018
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