4 definitions by $;92’hfagp

Emma is usually a girl that falls hard when she likes some one but not too hard. Emma’s also can get mad very easily so don’t get on there nerves. Emma’s also usually think very poorly of them selfs they think they’re ugly but really they are gorgeous. Emma’s also hate fake friends or people that use them or there friends. Emma is a girl that will stand up for her friends and is never a bully she might rase her voice when she is frustrated but she never wants to hurt people’s feelings. and she hates it when people say she doesn’t act her age. Also she is cute don’t take Emma’s for granted and secretly a lot of people like her she just won’t say it emma is sometimes a shy girl with a big personality. If you have a emma in ur life don’t lose her she hates it when they’re are rumors going around and she wants to be nice to everyone she knows because secretly she cares about everyone.
Bully: Emma’s spoiled and she rude and a jerk

Nice girl : don’t spread rumors that’s not nice and not true Emma’s a nice girl if you really knew her you would know that if you her friend she would stand up for you against bully’s like you
by $;92’hfagp June 24, 2021
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A famously beautiful Tok Tok and insta start I wish I would have ever met her but I probably won’t ☹️ If she ever reads this pls hope she makes it in to a TikTok also I’m a emma hi Addison.
Addison Rae , She beautiful and pretty and super talented if you know her don’t ever let her go she’s so oooo oooooooooooooo nice
by $;92’hfagp June 24, 2021
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Colleen is an unusual name.
Colleen is a bright girl, don’t underestimate her she gets bullied sometimes but she has great friends that will stand up for her she is beautiful and funny she will help you out when you need help. If you have a Colleen in your life don’t take her for granted if you do she will come after you and make sure everyone knows hat your like and she stands up for people that get bullied. Colleen is a great friend to have if you have a Colleen I’m you life don’t lose her!!
Colleen: don’t be rude to my friend if you are then you won’t be my friend so back off before I shut you down

Bully: yeah like you ever could your just a little brat that is in my way so move

Colleen: ok you’ve been warned

One day latter……

Bully: what did you do you brat.

Colleen: I told everyone what you did and that you were being a jerk
by $;92’hfagp June 24, 2021
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A girl that will use her friends and lie : example my best friend was a Madison she used me and told rumors she also likes to split friends apart so she’s the only one with friends!!
If you have a Madison in your life make sure she won’t use you ask her “ do you want to hang out with me or someone else” if she says someone else ask the person that she said to hang out then see if she will hang if she won’t then she’s a fake friend
by $;92’hfagp June 24, 2021
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