3 definitions by #brunogang

alternate word for sleepover, meaning that sexual activities will take place.
phil: Hey! Would you like to come over for bedtime funtime?
janice: Why yes, I'd be delighted to!
by #brunogang April 4, 2020
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All Bruno’s can say the N-Word, they are sexy, loveable, gets all all of the girls, and have smoll peepee. Despite the smoll peepee, all of the girls love this Italian idiot
Bruno: I know, right I’m so hot 😎
by #brunogang November 11, 2019
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a really attractive sicilian guy that can get infinite bitches with little to no effort
Girl 1: Hey, did you see that very sexually attractive guy over there?
Girl 2: Yeah, his name is Bruno.
by #brunogang February 27, 2022
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