2 definitions by #anoymonous

A Carys is a lovely sweet girl usually with very mysterious eyes with the colours green and blue. She is a girl with so much beauty and makes an amazing girlfriend. She has brown curly hair and is a sweet caring friend who would go out of her way to defend her friends. If you mess with Carys you will get a slap
Boy: wow who's that girl she's beautiful
Boy 2: oh that's Carys she is isn't she
by #anoymonous May 23, 2018
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An amazing person to be around and would be a good friend. No one wants to mess with her and when in an argument she could get very moody. Normally she has an amazing figure but treats her boyfriends like shit
Person one: wow who's that girl I call dibs

Person two: that's tori you don't want to mess with her
by #anoymonous May 23, 2018
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