2 definitions by #1SMTX

Tito’s vodka mixed with the delicious Mexican bubbly - better known as Topo Chico. Can be served with a splash of lime, cranberry, orange juice, pineapple juice, etc.
Joey - “I’ll take a Titochico
Bartender - “What’s that?”
Joey - “That Mexican bubbly water mixed with A-Town’s finest, aka Tito’s Vodka.”
by #1SMTX December 5, 2020
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The state of having extreme diarrhea. The art of peeing out of your asshole.
Boss: "Are you coming into work today, Bud?"
Joey: "I'm not going to make it today, Boss. I got ahold of some bad street tacos last night and I'm shitting like a goose this morning."
by #1SMTX August 23, 2015
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