1 definition by Cassadee Myers

A person who everyone thinks is fine, happy, social, outgoing, funny, pretty, smart, and all around perfect. And sure she is why wouldn't she be. I mean everything in here life is perfect. But you see it's not she can't sleep or breath,eat,think, cry, do anything with out feeling like she'd rather be doing something else. Like she wants to be in another place with other people living another life. She worries about the stupidest things.And she dose what ever she can not to have crushes because she know she isn't good enough and no one will ever like her back and then that will hurt her even more than waking up in the morning dose. But you know she's still just fine, perfect
Friend:hey Yasmine how you doing

Yasmine: oh I'm just fine ( internally kicks herself)
by Cassadee Myers February 3, 2017
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