4 definitions by ∩ ɯoɯ ɓɐʎ

Absolutely the best Fortnite player in the whole entire world. Stryker is a straight savage in the Battle Royale Island
God! Stryker is really good at Fortnite!
by ∩ ɯoɯ ɓɐʎ December 17, 2018
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Westlane is a bitch ass school with a bunch of fags. The bathrooms are absoulutely distusting and once you have seen the lunchroom you will shit your pants. All the teachers are retarted and they don't know how to properly teach a class and they're fights every other day. I do not recommend going to this school because all the beef here is too much to handle and if you want to survive you just have to avoid the hoodrats and hoes. Don't get caught up in this school because it's b/s and probably the worst school in Indiana.
"Bro have you heard about the school Westlane"
"Yeah bro, it fucking sucks."
by ∩ ɯoɯ ɓɐʎ March 18, 2019
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Fortnite is a virtual game in which 100 players battle each other to get the #1 Victory Royale. Unlike other BR games, Fortnite has added an additional aspect to the game which is building. For example, if someone is shooting at you, you are allowed to build, if you have materials, which are wood, brick, and metal. You can harvest these materials breaking different structures such as cars, trees, stones, etc. The rarity system in this game goes from common(grey), uncommon(green), rare(blue), epic(purple), and legendary(gold). Obviously, the gun does better in game if it has a higher rarity. When you're playing, there is a storm. The safe-zone gets smaller and smaller because the storm keeps on pushing in as the game goes on. Also, the damage of the storm grows greater the further you get into the game. Fortnite also has game modes such as Solo, when you fight alone, Squad, when you fight with 3 other teammates, and Duo, where you fight as a duo. Despite the very toxic community, Fortnite is a very good game and I highly recommend it for anyone to play. Fortnite is a free game to play as well. More than 50 million around the world play Fortnite, whether it's just for fun, or professionally.
"Have you heard about that game called Fortnite"
"Yeah it seems pretty fun."
by ∩ ɯoɯ ɓɐʎ March 19, 2019
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1)Something someone says when they prove something.
2)A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
"Yo dawg, why you look like a stepped on piece of gum"
by ∩ ɯoɯ ɓɐʎ May 9, 2019
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