vishwadhruv is an extreeeemlyyyy mischevious guy who has a veryyyy high intellect but uses it to clash with people for no reason . he is damn violent. That sadist is a big pain in the ass.
despite his good looks that asshole will always remain single.
vishwadhruv if u r reading this , u suck
by 45 jan 2021 November 23, 2021
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A kind and understanding man who always learns from his mistakes and all the girls love him.
Priya:I wish every boy was like vishwadhruv
Riya:yeah me too
by July 30, 2021
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A kind and understanding man who always learns from his mistakes and all the girls love him. And he is pretty sexy😉
A kind and understanding man who always learns from his mistakes and all the girls love him.

Priya:I wish every boy was like vishwadhruv
Riya:yeah me too
by July 30, 2021
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he is the most mischevious person ive ever seen . he has a very high intellect but uses it to clash with people , that smartass is a fuckin sadist. he is such a pain in thee ass , one day he mixed spicy sauce in my food and i was fuckedddd.that dude is really good looking but despite his good looks he will always remain single .
he is such a vishwadhruv
by angel priya November 24, 2021
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that asshole is damn mischevious , he has such a high intellect and has the skills to manipulate absolutely anyone but uses it to clash with people for no reason. that fuckin sadist has troubled me sooo much. despite his good looks that sadist will always remain single.
vishwadhruv is such an asshole
by angel priya November 23, 2021
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vishwadhruv is a frickin genius but he uses is intelligence and manipulative techniques to clash with people. that guy is a frickin sadist. he is kinda cute but despite his good looks he will always remain single because of his love for violence .
vishwadhruv is addicted
by tanjiro kamado is better November 22, 2021
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