Shanza is a beautiful girl who doesn't know it. Many men fall in love with her, secretly, so as to not let her know because they know she is too good for them. Shanza's often have beautiful eyes and dark hair. The Shanza you meet may have imperfections, but I urge you to see through those to find her beauty and her soul. You will not regret it.

Shanza is also the name of a Lollywood actress
Boy: I want a girl like that.
Boy #2: No she's a shanza. She's out of your league man
by lilhotman October 20, 2013
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The idea that when a person says "I have to pee" the people around her develop a need to go to the bathroom as well.
<person 1> "I really need to pee"

<person 2> "Damn, now I need to too"

<person 3> "Thus the Shanza effect is set in motion, I have to pee too"
by Michelle McCullar October 20, 2005
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