OwO A compwete and uttew waste of pwecious chiwdhood.
You wake up at six in da mowning to go to a buiwding which resembwes a federwalw pwison. Thewe, uu go fwom cwass to cwass, wepeating da same thing ovew and ovew evewy day. You get obsowete, inconsequentiaw buwwshit shoved down uuw thwoat by peopwe who awe onwy thewe fow da money and time off. Then, uu get tested on this buwwshit, and if uu failw because uu don't undewstand, then that's too bad, which totawwy defeats da puwpose of weawning anyways.
If uu evew need to knuw anything they teach uu in schoow in weaw wife, thewe's this nifty wittwe thing cawwed GOOGWE.
but no, we wave school UwU
by sick of asphixiation. May 31, 2009 ( '◟ ')
(not mine, the original creator is the name above)
by yourlocalghost September 24, 2020
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