(1)Lover of Bum, one who enjoys pleasures of the anus. Specifically one who desire nothing more than to ram their throbbign cock into an ass.

2) derogative term used to show dislike for a man, or less usually, a woman.

3) derogative term for Gay.
(1) God, My Ex was a Total Rim Jock, My rim's red raw!

(2) Look at this cupboard, Hannah Smith, What a Rim jock.

(3) Hannah's Ex Boyfreind is a Rim Jock.. Eurgh
by Puffisgay October 10, 2007
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1. Homosexual

2. Stupid Person, usually male, but not always.

3. Slutty Gay,

4. fun insult
1. Dude, turns out my best freinds brother is a shit guzzling rim jock

2. Oh! look what she did to my hoover.. shit guzzling rim jock!

3. Whoa slow down man, you are turning into a shit guzzling rim jock

4. shut up man, you shit guzzling rim jock
by Vickeesgay October 11, 2007
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