When having anal intercourse and accidentally using gasoline instead of KY as a lubricant causes it to ignite under the intense friction, and subsequently blowing your dick out of the ass with flames shooting out of the ass from the buildup of methane under pressure. Anything within six feet downrange of the asshole is destroyed.
Doctor: Well how did THAT happen?
Patient: I was so excited my girlfriend let me have anal intercourse that I didn't notice I used gasoline to lubricate the situation and the resulting reverse dragonblast scorched my cock.

Doctor: Yes, it happens more than people think. I suggest that in the future you place the gasoline in a more appropriate container, perhaps one of those fucking impossible to use safety cans with the vent in the nozzle that everyone hates.
by Dwmichalakchekcneldneldi October 19, 2017
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