When you take a baseball bat and beat the shit out of a girl's vagina, and then candy comes out.
Guy 1: Yo, your sister's pretty cute

Guy 2: Yeah, maybe before I made her into my pussy piñata...
by DJ Sketch October 5, 2009
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A pussy that is so beat and disgusting, it is like an abadoned piñata on the streets of Tijuana.
"Dude, Adam did you fuck Rachael last night?"

"Yeah man, but it was so gross. She had a pussy piñata. She could probably fit my head in that thing. So i bailed and went home and jacked it. But that was even worse because when I felt like I was cumming I looked down and I had Dark Cum going all over my leather assless chaps. It was the worst night of my life."
by Shuiefer Dark Cum Stallion January 29, 2008
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