The result of a selective combination of undesirable genes, with the goal of creating a fucked up specimen. Often caused by an under-exposure to Mars bars.
See also The Fear.
Charver: I'm off to MickieD's to get me a big mac.
Tobias: Your poor breeding is giving me the fear. Now why don't you toddle off and buy me one of those Mars Bars.
by Sasa Bonsum March 21, 2005
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The result of a selective combination of undesirable genes, with the goal of creating a fucked up specimen. Often caused by an under-exposure to Mars bars.
Charver: I'm off to MickieD's to get me a big mac.
Tobias: You're poor breeding is giving me the fear. Now why don't you toddle off an buy me one of those Mars Bars.
by Sasa Bonsum March 17, 2005
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