new mini

(n.) BMW's attempt at a mini. Larger and faster than the origianal, but still sucks.
The new mini cooper has stolen the front off the aston Martin DB range, and looks just like a squished version of the Aston Martin DB4 Zagato. Bloody thieves.
by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004
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The Super New mini POWER NINTENDO 23DSi™ lite light micro xl dd ll e U BOY VIRTUAL ADVANCE SP pocket PLAYER & KNUCKLEs COLOR CUBE 64 & WATCH ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series ALSO PLAYS ON 2DS is Nintendo's upcoming system. It is currently unknown if it will be a home console or a handheld, but we do know that scalpers will be all over it.
The Super New mini POWER NINTENDO 23DSi™ lite light micro xl dd ll e U BOY VIRTUAL ADVANCE SP pocket PLAYER & KNUCKLEs COLOR CUBE 64 & WATCH ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series ALSO PLAYS ON 2DS, coming 2024!
by Rectum Destroyer May 11, 2022
Get the Super New mini POWER NINTENDO 23DSi™ lite light micro xl dd ll e U BOY VIRTUAL ADVANCE SP pocket PLAYER & KNUCKLEs COLOR CUBE 64 & WATCH ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series ALSO PLAYS ON 2DS mug.