A word to describe a friend who you only see the day after a night out, mostly sunday morning. Usually the friend in question is one who lives in the same area but goes elsewhere for cool parties and avoids the lame parties in the locality. The morning after they then call his/her close friends to hang out, they then find the time to boast about their cool, crazy night while you just tell the same boring tales of a saturday night.
Eg. Michael: ' Man, i'm really hungover, Tom asked me to call down to his crib so we can go and get some food'

Cillian : 'Dude, he's just looking for someone to tell the tales of those great parties he goes too, he's such a hangover friend.'

Eg. Michael : 'Yo Tom, how did last night go?'

Tom : 'Man, I got so hammered, and i scored with this hot chick, party was so rad! What you do?'

Michael : ' Emm ... I just had a few beers with Cillian and wnet home ... pretty lame'

by Myerz April 29, 2009
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