A button on a Samsung Galaxy S10 (or similar Samsung device) that unleashes the Samsung version of Alexa, Siri, or other obnoxious AI pseudo critter "in" your smartphone that you love to hate.
Darn, I hit the Bixby Button again. I've GOT to find the Settings button to shut that thing up.
by LaunchGuy321 March 6, 2019
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A aggrivatingly useless side-button on Samsung S8 phones and later models which when pushed, usually by accident, launches Samsung's attempt at an assistant. Later versions would not allow the button to be remapped, rendering it useless without the installation of third-party apps.

Also used as an insult when describing some pointless and annoying feature on a device.
I was talking on the phone when I put it in the car mount and it pressed the annoying Bixby button.

"Wi-Fi for a toothbrush? That's as useless as a Bixby button"
by M2A November 30, 2019
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