A dildo so hard,radioactive,awesome,and purple it gives evrey man in the world erectilefungimulitys (picture a mans penis turning into a octagon shape,green,then starts to vomit blood,and eventually explodes ),while giving woman the Blue Droopies(when a woman has a blue waffle and it's like theres a 20 pound weight streching down her vagina lips while squirting out chocolate milk)when used. Accept for evreyone within a five mile radius of the user.The user and evrey one within the five mile radius Is emitted with a extreme amount of pleasure and extreme fisting by a sumo wrestler. Rumored to be in some random Mexican Lawnmower stache.
I think someone just used the Atomic Dildo *dick explodes*
A girl and a guy are walking down the street togather and his pants get red with blood and he has a octagon shaped bulge."Oh no.. Atomic Dildo?" The girl said. Suddenly she got the blue droopies "Atomic Dildo."They both said in unison
by SuperWordMan March 28, 2015
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