YoloFlip means moving on to the next person without regret! YoloFliip originated on a secret website similar to Chat Roulette and Omegle. Users can click on "YOLOFLIP" to move on to the next person without regret as you most likely will never see that person again. Now it has made its way into mainstream language among girls. It has been used in many phrases when speaking of a potential break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend and is also used when ditching guys at the bar. It has become popular due to the fact that most males do not know the term so girls can use it anytime, anyplace and the guys are clueless.
Your boyfriend is a jerk, seriously...... YoloFlip!
How many times are you going to go back to him girl? You so need to YoloFlip!
Are you serious girl? YoloFlip!
Ew.... Time to YoloFlip
by CoachT December 2, 2013
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