Noun - Any left-wing organization whose membership ranks include: Woketards, Woketurds, Wokefarians, Willy Wokas, Wokensteins, Wokepuffers, WokeNSmokes, Wokejokes and other degenerated and failed citizens, who are looking for a free ride in life on the backs of the sane and productive people of the United States.
Woooo -- look who it is - it's the merry band of filthy losers, race-hustlers, scumbags and druggies, known as the Woke Cartel. Stay away from those miscreants - they'll steal your wallet or worse yet, push in your stool when you least expect it.

PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY: Caution. These left-wing scumbags can be found under an urban rock, or a needle-infested alley way or a basic crack den lined with soiled mattresses. Stay far away from them, and call your local police department to report their activities.
by La Pluma May 15, 2021
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