Typical Asian girl who grew up in Vancouver or the neighbouring suburbs. Loves expensive brand names, clothes from Aritzia, and always carries an expensive bag such as Gucci or Chanel. Usually done up spending lots of money on hair, nails, and makeup. Has a group of Asian girlfriends whom you'll always see with her at Asian night clubs. Concerned with money and very superficial, tends to date Asian gangsters who will buy them whatever they want. Often doesn't go to college, instead choosing to live off their parents/boyfriends or work at nail/hair salons, retail stores such as Bebe.
Girls who work at Bebe in Vancouver, The group of Asian girls at Asian night clubs who act like they're all that, Typical Asian gangster/drug dealer's girlfriend, Daughters of well off Asian parents who make a living off of drug-related activity, Asian girls at Metrotown who walk around with fake eyelashes, done up hair, fake boobs, and wayy too much dark makeup for the day time, Vancouver Girl
by MontrealVanGirl January 27, 2012
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