A person with the dancing skills of booty popping Beyoncé and the outright posing of Tyra Banks fused with wigga delusions.
Man1: Look at that poser booty poppin'
Man2: Yeah she's such a Tyroncé!
by alanbennet January 15, 2008
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Tyroncé is a male diva; or divo. Born of southern heritage this individual gained notoriety by slaying all aspects of Beyoncé's choreography and instead of paying rent, bought VIP Beyoncé tickets. This Beyoncé super stan is a member of the BeyHive and often referred to as a KillerBey. Beyoncé knows who he is and it purported that she once Baptized this super fan herself. (see Beyoncé Baptized Me on YouTube). He once got hired to a corporate job because his resumé listed him as a Beyoncé aficionado.
Girl 1: Girl clear the dance floor!
Girl 2: Why??
Girl 1: Formation is playing and Tyroncé is coming bish!!!
by Tyroncé December 12, 2017
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