Trilby Community Center

Located in the heart of Trilby Florida. This use to be an old house used as an office back in the late 70's. Community Activist/Leader Denny Sharkey Mihalinec seen this county owned building as a way to start Trilby's first ever community center for area families to meet, to hold Town Hall Meetings, kids activities, festivals and a small part turned into a Library and computer room. Many Federal,State, County, City, Senators, Congressman and more participated in Town Hall meetings to improve the areas interest. At it's peak some 150 residents packed this small center for meetings on concerns residents had about the lack of jobs and infrastructure, the need for better housing in the Trilby, Lacoochee & Trilacoochee neighborhoods.
Come to your Town Hall Meeting @ The Trilby Community Center. Invite your friends and neighbors!
by Trilby Citizen December 8, 2010
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