Toko Aoi, known as Tokonatsu Aoi (蒼井常夏, Aoi Tokonatsu) in Japan, is a recurring character appearing in the anime and manga series, Beyblade Burst. Throughout Beyblade Burst and Beyblade Burst Evolution, he used Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy. He is the younger brother of Valt Aoi, twin brother of Nika Aoi, and son of Chiharu Aoi and Kento Aoi. His current Bey is Spiral Treptune 8Bump Wedge. In Beyblade Burst Turbo, he is appointed as leader of the Beigoma Academy BeyClub after Fubuki Sumiye leaves for America.
by Zane The Nindroid February 28, 2021