A very delicious bed-time, golf-time, walk-time, sex-time snack! Anywhere you are, just pop* open a pack and eat the small little chocolate cookies shaped like mini-teddy bears.
*Pack does not pop open.
*Pack does not pop open.
Jim: "Oh no! My grades are down!"
Joe: "Quick, eat these Tiny Teddies!"
Jim: *CHOMP* "Mmm! I'm EJACULATING with pleasure!"
Joe: "What?!"
Joe: "Quick, eat these Tiny Teddies!"
Jim: *CHOMP* "Mmm! I'm EJACULATING with pleasure!"
Joe: "What?!"
by Ivelostmymind March 18, 2007
An extreme addiction to tiny Teddy's. Rehab is usually required as it is quite severe. This addiction means that people can hear and smell a packet being opened for miles away and will come running to eat the tiny Teddy's. People with this addiction will stop at nothing to eat tiny Teddy's
by TLCgenius March 12, 2014