Timocafé masculine name.

Timocafé define a person on discord who talks about maths for darks reasons. He’s someone very kind, his kindness is his main quality. He’s everytime here to help you when you need him, and also here to repair BOURSIN fooleries. He’s a big touhou fan who can’t handle these fucking danmaku games. Instead he plays Lost Word, talking about lost word he’s one of the oldest players of the game in the serv and he dropped only one ultra festival character since. The RNG wasn’t generous with him… He also inspired his favourite character from the licence, lily white. With his kindness that’s an evidence to see the link between them. Moreover Timocafé can bring the spring with the following sentence : « Haru desu yo ». He’s a lovely person, always kind, even when Boursin influence athoms to do some fooleries with perms on the serv.

synonyms : café, Monsieur café, Mais coffee, ☕️
« Timocafé pardon, d’avoir fait n’importe quoi avec les perms du serv avec boubou… » when you need to apologise.

« Une coupe de champagne avec des onigiris je vous prie Monsieur café » if you need to ask something.
« Timooooou !!! » when you need to call him faster than the light.

« Maid coffee, please stop playing with these knives in silver and returns to do your housework’s as the maid you are » when he acts like izayoi.
by aaathoms July 8, 2022
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