A amazing Japanese rock band that originated in Nara of 2010. They’re top hit is Kyourun Hey Kids! Being the second OP in the anime Noragami. They also have done many other anime openings like Revisions and Scarlet Nexus ( seasons 1 and 2). You should 100% check out their music bc they are amazing. The lead singer is Yamanaka Takuya, bassist/ chorus Akirakani Akira, guitarist Suzuki Shigenobu, and drummer Nakanishi Masaya.
Person 1: have you heard of The Oral Cigarettes?

Person 2: Yes! I love them a lot because they are a cool band with amazing lyrics and composition of each song and they like to spice it up a lot with they’re songs. I love the vocalist Takuya Yamanaka, super nice voice to listen to.
Person 1: Oh that’s cool I’ll check them out later!
by ItsKarmoo March 27, 2022
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