In 1973, an unidentified attacker entered the Finland border, demanding not money, but cheese. So much cheese. 500 tons of cheese. Because he got the munchies.

He claimed to have dropped an actual gallon of LSD straight from a milk jug, to be able to smell movement and see sounds. Local military saw him and laughed. But suddenly, the power went out.

When it came back on, the local military had all been run down, tire tracks from a Ford F150 covering them, and through all the stores in Finland, there was something missing.

The cheese section had become a fold in reality. No more cheese in Finland.

Investigators in Finland later found the man’s base of operations. Inside was an old PC, a copy of Sun Tzu‘s Art of War and a milk jug.
He’s suspected to be the attacker behind The Fincident.
by The Dragon of Dathomir August 3, 2023
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