The Family Guy Effect

Do something funny. Continue to do so until said activity is no longer funny. Continue to do so until said activity is funny again. Repeat.
The Family Guy Effect: Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser!
by rapelax August 23, 2008
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The Family Guy Effect

When a show or movie is downright awful 90% of the time. But when a funny joke from said show is posted online without context, people start to believe the show isn't complete shit, but instead some misunderstood gem.
The Family Guy Effect -
TV Show: *Makes slightly clever joke*
Random Internet user: "Wow that's so funny, I should share it online"
Other Internet users: "Man this is funny, I wonder why people give this show such a hard time."
by Pandexx June 13, 2022
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Family Guy effect

When a TV show is good at first but then it goes downhill and people start to hate it.
Examples of the Family Guy effect
Family Guy of course
The Simpsons (after season 9)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (after season 5)
Sword Art Online (after episode 1)
Fairly OddParents (after season 9)
by Boyei October 24, 2020
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