Spirofication is the term applied when popular art is altered to reflect and retain a Spiro aesthetic.

Examples of which could be when lyrics to a song with a rhyme to Spiro are applied, or when characteristics of a Spiro are used in paintings or other forms of art media.

The more common are indeed lyric changes, however, limiting its use is so not a Spiro thing to do.

Spirofication began in Melbourne Australia on commercial radio whereby the name of the host Spiro used to be injected into song lyrics for on air competitions. Spirofication as the game was played by those with an inane knowledge of pop culture references to spread use the name and became a tool in itself used by others to reference this impending phenomenon.

It mainly plays true to rhyming words with Spiro, however, it is the basis and title of a comedy routine by the on air announcer.

The game was invented after the movie Be Kind Rewind and their use of the term Sweding to alter movies (thereby Spirofication was the altering of songs)
Lyrics to turn me on by Nicky Minaj going through Spirofication:

My body needs a Spiro
Come and save me
Something tells me you know how to save me
I've been feeling weird (oh)
Oh, I need you to come and rescue me

Lyrics to Hello by Martin Solveig going through Spirofication:

I could stick around and get along with you, hello.
It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello.
You're alright but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party.
Don't get too excited 'cause that's all you get from me, hey.
Yeah, I think you're cute, but really you should know...I just came to see SPIRO.
by Slambro November 11, 2012
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