Miss slim thick, whose forgetful as she is nice.
A Dominican with questionable chink eyes but being in the same car and all the times we've nearly miss death makes me really wonder if she isn't Asian by even a bit (reminder ask how she is at math). Low-key a video game nurd but doubtful if she puts up a fight in either super smash and Mario kart. Also known to humble brag bout how much D she gets in her DM. Has said on occasion and in verbatim "I get the D in DM".
Lastly an avid collector of GoGirl female urination device.
Me: Hey Ashley is corn considered a vegetable right?
Slim Ashley: Yeah I think so
Me: So ugh hey Ashley I hear you like vegetables *raises eyebrow*. What a coincidence cause I'm basically a vegetable in bed *raises other eyebrow*
by Ithroroxatblindkids June 28, 2018
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